Prepare to Talk to Your Loved One About Home Care

Talking to a loved one about the need for home care can initially be a challenge. Your loved one might perceive the suggestion of a person coming into their home and assisting them with various tasks and chores as a threat to their independence or possibly undermining their competence. 

To help mitigate possible resistance or risk offending your loved one, consider the following tips to start the discussion: 

  • · Write down various talking points and examples for why you believe it is time your loved one should consider home care
  • · Discuss how a caregiver can serve as a type of personal assistant who is there to help alleviate burdens and tasks while supporting and empowering your loved one 
  • · Consult with various professionals that might be influential in your loved one’s life to include their physician, a case manager, social worker, lawyer, financial advisor or even a therapist or spiritual leader. Input from a neutral party, particularly one your loved one trusts and respects, can encourage a better result
  • · Select time(s) when you and your loved one are free of distractions to discussions without rush or interruption
  • · Be sure to keep the tone casual and positive, asking questions about your loved one’s needs and wants for the future and their concerns
  • · Don’t dictate a plan to your loved one, rather, work to create an ongoing, honest discussion about their future, so decisions are perceived as a collaboration to help them achieve their best life now
  • · Share your concerns, but regardless of how they receive your suggestions, do your best to ensure they feel respected and heard

Some common topics that can help guide your discussion and possibility facilitate more mutual understanding should surround personal assistance with household chores to include general housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, and direct assistance ranging stretching and exercise, to bathing and dressing, as well as transportation and personal outings, and more. 

Don’t approach the topic of home care purely from a practical standpoint. This might be an emotional time with common fears that can include loss of independence, failing health, particularly memory, running out of money, having to depend on others, not being able to drive, being isolated and lonely. 

Take the fears and concerns to heart as you discuss the future together. Show empathy and patience to provide further comfort and illustrate that you are on their side, which can further strengthen your relationship and acclimate them to the idea of using home care service.

Your loved one might experience mixed emotions about the prospects of using home care service but encourage them about positive possibilities and things to look forward to.  Having the extra help and direct assistance might, in many ways, offer a type of “new beginning” and increased exposure and access to new outings and opportunities. 

If you or a loved one are in need of direct personal care assistance and wish to remain at home, aging in place, contact Integrity Home Care Agency.  We welcome the opportunity to schedule a FREE in-home assessment to meet and evaluate your direct needs and expectations to develop a specific and customized Care Plan.  Contact our office at (214) 551-6318 with any questions and to further discuss what you can expect with personal home care.